
Brennpunkt substanz goes international

Deutsche Version

substanz goes international: from Pittsburgh to Japan, from Berlin to Slovenia. The editorial team show just how international the FHS St.Gallen is, highlighting the global network of partner universities,the collaboration in teaching and the exchanges in the area of research – and they also visit a student flatshare. For the picture series, the St.Gallen artist Marco Kamber, who lives in Amsterdam, immersed himself in the topic of soup cooking. Soup is a symbol of internationalisation: practically every country has its own recipe or has adapted those of other nations. Soups convey countless stories –Marco came across many exciting anecdotes during his research, which he tells us about in the interview. He also reveals which recipes he tried out himself.


Internationality is a question of culture
President Sebastian Wörwag discusses the internationalisation strategy of the Fachhochschule St.Gallen

Immersed in foreign cultures
Students report on their experiences abroad and in Switzerland

The International Office of the FHS St.Gallen
Facts & figures

Equipped with a plan 
Students report on their experiences abroad and in Switzerland 

Four people, four walls
A visit to an international flatshare 

A digital journey through three countries
Students work together on an e-project

Slovenia is learning from the Department of Health
How the FHS exports successful modules

Beer, BMW and bytes in Bavaria
A study trip to Munich 

Where Switzerland is called «Luxembourg  City»
How the FHS finds new partner universities

To Pittsburgh for the grand finale
Students conduct market research in the USA 

Intercultural competence – is it really needed? 
An essay by Christa Uehlinger

«The Japanese think very courageously.»
A research exchange in the field of old age